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Accessibility Coordinators


melissa kelley colibrí

melissa kelley colibrí


melissa (they/them) is a Deafdisabled Queer mixed latinx non-binary femme. They are a full time accessibility activist in the LGBTQ community of San Diego, CA and are the Accessibility Manager for San Diego Pride, San Diego Trans Pride, and She Fest: ensuring events and meetings are accessible for all people with disabilities including Deaf folks.

Leang Ngov

Leang Ngov


Leang Ngov, a community advocate and homeschooling teacher, has been doing community work since 2015, including being a Deaf mentor for American River College's Interpreter Preparation Program and Deaf expert for their Service Learning course. The community work also includes being an accessibility co-coordinator for People’s Collective with another Deaf co-coordinator and Gold House.

“You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right.”

— Rosa Parks
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